Wetting equipment
It is designed to moisture grain.
The reason for moisturizing grain: BShU wetting machine
An enterprise specializing in grain milling has two production stages. The first is to prepare the grain for milling, and the second is the milling process itself. The first stage involves the preparation of grain millblend, its cleaning from all kinds of impurities, removing corcles and shells, as well as conditioning. The last operation is performed by BShU wetting machine, produced and sold by our company.
The steps described above are very important for each enterprise, since usually grain batches for processing at the milling plant do not arrive in the same condition as we see it on sale in the store. It is also worth mentioning that grain mills receive lots of grain from different locations, so they have different quality indicators.
The grain processing and its standardizing involves a large amount of machinery, including a BShU wetting machine. Let us consider the basic stages of grain crops processing.
Firstly, the grain is cleaned of impurities, which differ in size and aerodynamic properties. The separators are involved in this process. At the exit from the separator, the grain is cleaned of the metal-magnetic impurities. The surface of the inner part of the drum is abrasive, with the metal one in the brush part. In this case, the brushing machines act as a polishing machine: the remains of dust are removed from the grain, as well as particles of the torn shells.
The next stage of grain preparation - conditioning or moisturizing - involves BShU wetting machine. There are two types of conditioning: cold and hot. The first is carried out by moisturizing the grain with water with a temperature of no higher than 18-20°C, and then heated to 35°C. Then the grain is softened in silos for 12-14 hours. This process is necessary to ensure that the shells of the grain have been impregnated with water, become more plastic, and the link between them and grain endosperm has been significantly weakened. This makes it possible to separate them from each other during the subsequent milling process through dressing: this will allow particles of shells, that will become larger than the grain itself, to easily fall off. The wetting machine application is reasonable, if it is necessary to process the grain that contains gluten with a low content.
BShU wetting machine is also used for hot air conditioning, when the grain is heated to 55-60°C, with its further cooling to 16-20°C and softening for 2-6 hours. Sometimes water vapor is used to speedily grain moisturizing. The mode of hot conditioning is selected in accordance with the initial quality of the grain gluten. At the same time, weak gluten requires a stronger heating of the grain mass. It is difficult not to mention the significant role of the BShU wetting machine in these processes of preparation for milling.
The latter can be expanded or short, depending on the type of grain crop. Therefore, wheat grinding is carried out only under the expanded scheme, which includes several separations, cleaning, conditioning and moistening.